District News
Our district proudly joins The Rotary Foundation and fellow districts across the world to announce the new Polio Plus Society and invite all of our members to join.  This simple act of generosity by our fellow Rotarians around the world will bring the life saving polio immunization to countless children until the day that the world has been rid of the virus. We are truly This Close and we need your help to complete the job.
In recent years Rotary has created a set of membership categories aimed at helping our clubs grow and, at the same time, meet the needs of the individual Rotarians we wish to attract.
The Corporate Membership is one such category. This article will help explain what a corporate membership is and how it can be implemented by your club.
Polio Update
As of Apr. 10, 2024
This chart shows worldwide total confirmed type 1 cases of the wild polio virus. For further information on type 1 and type 2 progress please select this link:
Rotary International News
At convention find breakouts tailored to you

Take away bold ideas about how to improve your club experience, your community, and the world from breakout sessions at the Rotary convention in Singapore.

A labor of love

Supported by a Rotary Programs of Scale award, an initiative in Nigeria seeks to remedy the country’s high instances of maternal death

Rotary projects around the globe April 2024

Learn how Rotary clubs are taking action in the United States, Suriname, Macao, Nigeria, and Australia.

Heat is on for urban planners

As temperatures rise, cities transform heat islands with tree cover, “cool pavement,” and other adaptations.

Food of the future

Breadfruit, a starchy fruit long a staple in the tropics, is attracting new interest globally as farmers and scientists search for crops that are hardier while still nutrient dense.