Membership Drive for 2018 -19 - Date  September 10th  to October 30th


The 'Drive for 5' will help strengthen your club during the 2018-2019 Rotary year.
It's a three stage initiative:
Stage 1 ---- A competition within the club
Stage 2 ---- Area Club competition
Stage 3 ---- Area against Area
Click the Read More link for the details.
Stage 1---- A competition within the club
Challenging each club to compete , either individually or as a team, to see who can invite and have inducted the most members. Using a method of encouraging and engaging the public with meeting invitations, special events, or any other innivative ideas to inspire the club to get new members. Our Membership Team of Dianne and David (the Dynamic Duo) have many ideas to share. Perhaps they can share a video or visit the club for support.
The team with the most new members will be recognized.
 Stage 2 ---- Area Club competition
Each  AG to host an Area meeting at the club with the most per-capita new member increase. Using that club as the venue for the meeting , celebrating the gains of all the clubs.
For that night I would encourage the media to be invited , do inductions if any, and play it up on social media. Use this night to acknowledge their acheivements. Invite either Dianne or David to attend if available.
Continue to promote for Stage 3
Stage 3 --- Area against Area
Continue the drive through the balance of the year and keep the competion going. Completing the drive at the end of May.
We will celebrate all the Area gains and there will be awards for the top 3 Areas’ who have the greatest gain. Asking all the new members to come to the conference trying to get them engaged. I would like to see a slide show of all the new members and the Area event night photos, this could be on the screen playing during a meal.  So we need photos sent from the clubs. I ask each AG to accumulate these.