To participate in any Rotary Foundation (TRF) Grant clubs must be qualified each year. There is different qualification required for District Grants and for Global Grants. Clubs must also complete and file a District Memorandum of Understanding with the District Foundation Committee.

  • Short-medium term projects
  • Usually relatively small-scale projects
  • Must support The Rotary Foundation’s mission
  • Can be used for local and international projects
  • Can also be used for projects in areas where there is no Rotary club
  • Are managed by individual Districts
  • Generally Longer-term Projects
  • Administered by The Rotary Foundation
  • Application and reporting is on-line at Rotary’s Grant Center on the Rotary International website
  • Must relate to one or more of the areas of focus - Rotary's Causes
  • Must be sponsored by one Host Club/District where the project takes place and at least one International Club/District in another country
  • The minimum budget for a Global Grant is USD $30,000
  • Eligible projects include Community Projects, Vocational Training Teams & Graduate level Scholarships

For a full description and applications go to

DISTRICT GRANTS: The application is a two-stage process.  Clubs must submit an outline proposal before applying for the actual grant. The District in turn uses these proposals to determine the amount of District Grant money available for the ensuing Rotary year. To ensure that a club project is approved by the committee and is on the list of projects eligible for a District Grant, the proposal must be submitted before the deadline. The proposal deadline is May 31 of the Rotary year preceding project implementation.

Although additional funds may become available for District Grant projects throughout the year, the only club projects guaranteed eligibility to apply for District Grant funds are those for which a proposal has been received before the deadline and subsequently approved.

For a full description of the District Grant process, refer to other pages on this website. If you have questions regarding District Grants, please address them to Pat Cavan, District Grants Committee Chair ( or David Elliott, District Rotary Foundation Committee Chair (

District Grants fund short-term projects and activities, either local or international, which support TRF’s mission.  Clubs submit their funding requests directly to the district which has the responsibility of administering and distributing the funds.

Before applying for a District Grant clubs must complete the qualification process and file with the district a signed Memorandum of Understanding for the applicable Rotary Year.

The maximum District Grant available to any club in one Rotary year is USD $2000. A club can receive  more than one District Grant providing the total grant funds do not exceed $2000.

Applying for a District Grant is a two-stage process beginning with an outline proposal that briefly states if the planned project is Local or International, a start and finish date which should be within the Rotary year, the sources of funding and an estimated budget (a fully detailed budget is not required until stage-two of the process).

Proposals must be submitted to the district between January 1 and May 31 of the Rotary year preceding the grant implementation. Following district approval of the proposal the full application must be submitted within six months. 

It is strongly recommended clubs familiarize themselves with The Rotary Foundation Grant Terms and Conditions available at and the district guidelines before submitting a grant proposal.

GLOBAL GRANTS: The following provides a brief summary of this grant model.  For full description of Global Grants and complete details of the application process go to  Global Grants are intended to fund large scale International projects and activities that:

  • Align with an area of focus
  • Respond to a need the benefiting community has identified
  • Include active participation of the benefiting community
  • Are designed to enable the community to help itself after the Rotary club or district has concluded its work
  • Have measurable results

The minimum budget for a Global Grant is USD $30,000.

Applications can be submitted on-line follow this link to the Global Grants web page. Applicants must be qualified under the Rotary Foundation and District procedures.

It is strongly recommended that clubs familiarize themselves with The Rotary Foundation Grant Terms and Conditions available at before submitting a grant application.

District Grants Coordinator - Deborah Renaud-McDermott
District Rotary Foundation Chair - David Elliott (PDG 2020-2021),
District Governor - Katherine Hahn,
District Governor Elect -
Jeffrey Ferweda