Environment Day - Nature Activities for Kids
Nature Activities for Kids
Why organize Nature Activities for Kids?
These activities teach children and caregivers how to swap and share art supplies that often come in unsustainable packaging for supplies that come from nature. They encourage participants to value nature and their inner creativity. The activities are relatively quick and easy and can take place in any venue type (e.g. indoors, outdoors, virtually, or in-person).
Nature Activities for Kids mechanics
- Duration: 1-3 hours
- Cost: This is a low-cost activity: ~$5-$10 per participant
- Supplies for the chosen activity(ies) (see below for suggestions)
- Refreshments for participants (e.g. water, coffee/tea, granola bars, fruit, vegetables)
- Volunteers: 6-20 (greeters, craft explainers/helpers, cleaners). The number of volunteers needed will depend on the number of children coming at one time.
- Participants: These activities are family-friendly and inclusive for people of all ages and most abilities.
- Intensity/Effort: Low-medium (setting up and taking down tables and chairs in the venue, setting up and cleaning up activity supplies, helping the children)
- Materials:
- Supplies for the chosen activity(ies)
- Refreshments for participants (e.g. water, coffee/tea, granola bars, fruit, vegetables)
- Tables
- Chairs
- Cleaning supplies (cloths/rags, soap and water, etc.)
Activity suggestions
- Nature art bugs
- Nature art people
- Nature paintbrushes
- Twig Boat (no glue)
- Land art (group mural)
- Science experiment – why pinecones open and close
- Science activity – build a bird's nest

Click the following links to learn more about each project: Main Page | Pollinator Garden / Butterfly Garden | Rain Garden | Waste Clean-Up | Invasive Plant Clean-Up | Sustainability Fair | Nature Activities for Kids | Movie Night | Earth Balls / Seed Bombs | Tree Planting | Bee Hotel